In the book of Joshua, we can find that the Lord instructs Joshua to 'be strong and courageous' a number of times, in fact more than usual. Now Joshua at that time, was Moses' right hand man he went everywhere with Moses and witnessed many things with him. Joshua was a brave soldier, a spy, and a man of prayer. When Moses had died, the Lord appointed Joshua to be his servant and to led his people, the Israelites to the land that the Lord had promised to them as inheritance. Joshua was a brave soldier, but he was discouraged and feared that he would fail. then again who wouldn't right? The reminder in the book of Joshua is to not be afraid, and to take courage. "Have I not commanded you? Be Strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
For me, there has been an absence of strength and courage, and what I mean by that is an absence to really defend everything that I stand for. Upon reading the book of Joshua, there is a reminder, a prayer and a desire to grow in strength and in courage. I think a lot of times, myself included, we are afraid to speak up against evil, we are scared to make that leap of faith or maybe afraid to go where he wants to lead us. Maybe we are down and out with no strength at all. Well God gives us strength, all we have to do is trust him, be strong and courageous and remember that he will be with us wherever we go, Just like he told Joshua when he was afraid. For me, as I felt this absence of courage, I began thinking of Joshua and how he might of felt the exact same way, felt somewhat powerless and not at all trusting in God and his divine plan for him. I wrote a song and prayed it over and over in my head as many times as I could. To remember the presence of God within me and in each of you. I pictured Joshua crying out to God, praying just as he loved to do and asking for strength and removal of his own pride. This song, for me is a reminder of the strength and courage that we can obtain through God in every circumstance. It is a reminder to be strong, endure and withstand any situation because no matter what God will never leave us and he is always with us.
For the victims of the deadly tornado outbreak in Oklahoma, be strong and courageous for the lord your God will be with you. He has not left you, he will walk with you. Be strong, and trust in his divine plan.
Jesus, grant us courage to rise, strength to endure and everlasting trust in you. Amen.
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