CatholicSoup is a religious-run blog designed to provide Catholic insight through personal experience.

Brother Hut Podcast

I am the host of a bi-weekly podcast titled 'The Brother Hut' with my fellow Capuchin, Brother Brandon Berg. Together, we share our lives along with our experiences of ministry, Catholicism, and faith.

The Brother Hut originally began with one basic objective in mind: basically, to share. We wanted to share our lives as religious brothers, wanted to share who we are and what we do as a community. We also wanted to share our faith, both as we have experienced and as we have been taught in the Catholic tradition. We wanted to share the Gospel, evangelize and hopefully give you tips on how to live out a Catholic faith. Lastly, we wanted to share with you the faith and ministry of those ordinary faithful lay. Those who live the faith on an ordinary basis, those who live heroically, live courageously and love God while doing it in a holy, heroic fashion.

Throughout the last few years of my life, I’ve run across a ton of very inspiring people. Many different people too, priests, catechumens, religious, mothers, peers, college roommates, friends, my own family and even those who live on the streets. As I continued to grow in a relationship with these people, I began to realize that they all in some way have a fascinating story and journey of faith. They have a particular style to their spirituality, a charism in the ways that they experience God in their lives. A way of seeing God that can be captured and shared.

As religious brothers or, as some may say, as ‘men of the cloth’ sometimes we get to put up on this high chair and it takes away from many other very important people who have done some really really great things. They too are heroic, they too inspire, and they too are experiencing God in their own unique ways. It’s our goal to hopefully introduce to you the ways that those people do that. This will happen all while sharing with you our lives as Capuchin Franciscans and the ministry that we do. 

It’s all a fun, insightful, and humorous conversation with two regular and imperfect Franciscan brothers.
The Brother Hut is available on Podbean, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify

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