CatholicSoup is a religious-run blog designed to provide Catholic insight through personal experience.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Reminder of My Service

Today I was looking through some of my pictures on facebook from my senior year and this one caught my eye. I was reminded of my service to others. This woman Joyce, really helped me see that we are the image of Christ no matter who we are, no matter how we look, what we wear, if we use a wheelchair or not. I went on a mission trip to help paint and fix this woman's house. During the trip, I had an exorbitant desire to serve. I just started working as fast as I could, It was almost with a passion and with a cause because I knew what I was gonna get out of it. When I look back to it, it sort of brings tears to my eyes just know that Me, a sinner, a person who doesn't deserve the graces of God, had done this for a woman who uses a oxygen tank to breathe, I'm reminded of my call to serve, our call to serve the people of Christ. With that we remember the words of Christ,"whatever you do for the least of my people you have done for me."

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome blog.. Also a reminder of what we are all called to do. That is to serve, not be served. Loved it!

