Well, this is the follow-up on my recent trip to the Conception Seminary College this past weekend, and let me tell you. It was pretty awesome. The place is in a very quiet and peaceful place full of color and tranquility. The buildings made of brick from a deep color red, the grass is as green as it gets. There is

no "greener on the other side" here. The trees are so tall and so unique, each one nearly has its own color and blossoming flower, whether its white, pink, or red. The place sets a tone of how beautiful the love of Christ is to us. Its so beautiful, the sunsets are like you've never seen before in your life. Jesus Christ is truly present.
Well for me the weekend was pretty awesome, attending like talks from different seminarians and workshops, and prayers with the monks. We had a lot of fun playing ultimate frisbee and soccer with the guys. It reminded me of how much of a community there is here, even though its just guys, It helps me understand that most of us guys don't need love that doesn't last. We were all having a good time. Laughing and getting to know everybody as easy as, I don't know what.
But as we finished playing games for over three hours. I was so exhausted and sore. When I looked at my watch, I noticed that it was about thirty minutes before our next session. So I wasn't gonna

go all sweaty, greasy and grassy. So I got in my room and took me a shower. A warm one. Which was NOT good for my sore, aching body. Well during vespers with the Monks, I started feeling really light headed and dizzy. I thought I was gonna throw up, The last thing I thought about doing was tapping Nathan, who was sitting beside me and telling him, Hey I think I'm gonna throw up, but apparently I didn't make it that far. Passed out right there and then. All I remember were the monks running toward me and looking up and seeing just blur. They carried me out of the Basilica and had me sleep inside the campus health center for the rest of the day. So that was a very interesting and rare experience for me. I will remember that for the rest of my life.