What is it that you desire in this world? Happiness right? We all want to be happy whatever it is we are doing. Whether it be going to college, choosing your future spouse, working those graveyard shifts, or even being the person that you are. This week I realized that happiness is not just a word, its your future. I have been discerning for quite some time now on going to the seminary to become a priest and its not an easy decision, but its not a hard one either. Where will I be the happiest, is the question I ask myself daily. Okay, that's an easy question. I am happiest with God and his presence of peace and joy. So instead of ending my childhood peace and joy with the things of this world I would rather live in unity with God and the church. God has a chosen vocation for everybody, its only our job to seek deep within our hearts and ask God to reveal it to us. remember, a Happy calling is a Worthy Calling.