This time of the year there are so many things that demand our
readiness and preparation. Like Thanksgiving or black Friday and family visits.
It’s the holiday season and so much of it requires that we are ready for
everything that’s about to happen. The turkey has to be prepared, the famous
green-bean casserole in the oven, pies out to cool and the table set. It’s the
time of the year that we’re all on our toes, preparing, getting ready for a
time away from our busy lives with the people we love. Not only is it a time of
preparing for the seasons in our homes, but it’s also a time of preparing in the
Church beginning with the season of Advent.
In Advent, a word translated to
mean ‘arrival’ or ‘coming’ from the Greek word Parousia, we are entering a waiting room, a room that prepares our
hearts and our souls for the coming of a King. The King comes to us in three
beautiful ways. One, in the liturgy of the Word when we open the scripture. Two, in our hearts when we experience the living God in our lives and have personal encounters with him and lastly, the King comes to us in the Incarnation when we remember Jesus’ birth in the Nativity at Christmas AND at Mass during the celebration of the
Eucharist where we re-visit that moment of the Word becoming Flesh and experience the Incarnate God who humbled himself for our sake becoming fully present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. We can experience Christ in the Word, in our Hearts and in the
Eucharist and all He asks is that we be ready.
During this season of Advent, the gospel tells us to always “be
prepared” and to “be alert” comparing the second coming of God a thief in the
night so we should “be ready” and “Stay awake”. Just a few days ago, I felt the
invitation to participate in the PARA
(Prepared, Alert, Ready & Alive) of the spiritual life. I was walking on a
popular street in Santa Barbara. Walking aimlessly for I don’t know how long,
looking up and around, window shopping and caught up in just the motion of
walking. It wasn’t until a homeless man recognized me, grabbed my shoulder and
as I turned he open his arms and embraced me with a hug. It was then that I
realized where I had been. I was up in the clouds not really paying attention
to the people I was walking past.