CatholicSoup is a religious-run blog designed to provide Catholic insight through personal experience.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Advent IV with Fr. Robert Barron
Bishop Robert Barron celebrated the 4th week of Advent here for our Franciscan community. I thought it would be great to post his homily on entering into God's presence and direction for our own lives just as Joseph did. The message was to get outside of our own worlds and our own selves and simply enter into God's. "Learn how to Dream big" he says, because like St. Paul, we've all been sent. Here's the audio, enjoy!
Second, the band got some great positive feedback after playing in the mass. I also recorded the recessional song called "Come To Us" by Greg Walton, a third Order Franciscan who I meet in Los Angeles during the Religious Ed Congress. I entered his drawing to win a free CD that weekend. Well after the conference I checked my email and lo and behold, I had won that free CD! This song, was on that CD and I instantly feel in love with the words and the melody of it all. I had no idea I would be playing this exact song 8 months later for Bishop Robert Barron during Mass in Santa Ynez Valley California. Take a listen.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Advent: Being Prepared for God
This time of the year there are so many things that demand our
readiness and preparation. Like Thanksgiving or black Friday and family visits.
It’s the holiday season and so much of it requires that we are ready for
everything that’s about to happen. The turkey has to be prepared, the famous
green-bean casserole in the oven, pies out to cool and the table set. It’s the
time of the year that we’re all on our toes, preparing, getting ready for a
time away from our busy lives with the people we love. Not only is it a time of
preparing for the seasons in our homes, but it’s also a time of preparing in the
Church beginning with the season of Advent.
In Advent, a word translated to
mean ‘arrival’ or ‘coming’ from the Greek word Parousia, we are entering a waiting room, a room that prepares our
hearts and our souls for the coming of a King. The King comes to us in three
beautiful ways. One, in the liturgy of the Word when we open the scripture. Two, in our hearts when we experience the living God in our lives and have personal encounters with him and lastly, the King comes to us in the Incarnation when we remember Jesus’ birth in the Nativity at Christmas AND at Mass during the celebration of the
Eucharist where we re-visit that moment of the Word becoming Flesh and experience the Incarnate God who humbled himself for our sake becoming fully present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. We can experience Christ in the Word, in our Hearts and in the
Eucharist and all He asks is that we be ready.
During this season of Advent, the gospel tells us to always “be
prepared” and to “be alert” comparing the second coming of God a thief in the
night so we should “be ready” and “Stay awake”. Just a few days ago, I felt the
invitation to participate in the PARA
(Prepared, Alert, Ready & Alive) of the spiritual life. I was walking on a
popular street in Santa Barbara. Walking aimlessly for I don’t know how long,
looking up and around, window shopping and caught up in just the motion of
walking. It wasn’t until a homeless man recognized me, grabbed my shoulder and
as I turned he open his arms and embraced me with a hug. It was then that I
realized where I had been. I was up in the clouds not really paying attention
to the people I was walking past.

Jesus Christ,
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Vineyard of Love

“I am
the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in
me that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does he prunes so that it bears
more fruit. You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you.
Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own
unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. I am
the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear
much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” John 15:1-5
The image of the vine and branches becomes a very beautiful
way of understanding God’s love and the different gifts and graces He can
provide to us throughout our lives. The vineyard in the gospel is symbolic of
our spiritual life and our relationship with Christ. How we maintain our “vineyard”
will determine how successful the fruit of our own harvest will be. Cultivating
the ground requires water, turning and clearing from weeds that prevent a
strong healthy vine. Pruning, in our lives as we all know, is a very painful
thing to do and so often requires sacrifice. But Christ calls us to prune, and
he’s there to help. In an unpruned vineyard, the water, the life-giving
nutrient is being divided among so many branches and vines that the grapes become
small, with little or no chance of growing. That concept, is having our focus on so many things that there is never really a full, concentrated attention on one thing, our fruit becomes virtually small and therefore useless after harvest. The invitation is to place all our trust and focus on Christ being the living water, providing for us all that we need. Christ says that the Father prunes so
that the vine bears more fruit, and
much bigger fruit. God being the vine-grower, knows exactly what parts of us to
keep, and those parts to throw away. So what might the challenges be for us?
Pruning away those extra things in our own lives so that we
become liberated from the distractions and divisions that keep us from a
fruitful and complete relationship with God the Father. Having so much trust in
God that, upon pruning those things out of our lives, we are able to enter into
a greater, fulfilling and life-giving connection with God.
"Remain in my love."
As we were harvesting our year’s grapes, I found a prayer
rising out of my own heart. To let God be the vine-grower in my own life, pruning
away things that so often get in the way, distract or prevent me from being all
that I can be. To help me place a complete trust in Him so much that within me
there is always a desire to remain in His vineyard, and in His love.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Thank You
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Investiture |
I asked God in my prayer to allow me to remember my faults, my weaknesses and everything that I had done wrong and ultimately get it all out, lay it all down so that He could take it all up. As they called my name a realization came to me, that as I was thinking about all this God had brought out the once feeling of shame and sadness and He had replaced it with love and an immeasurable joy in my heart.
That night it was hard for many of us to contain our excitement. We had just been robed with the habit of St. Francis, the garb of the leper, the garb of the lesser and those who had always been left out. This is what Friars wore for the past 600 years since the birth of the Capuchins, and 800 since St. Francis had founded the Order. That thought was circling my mind through and through as I walked around outside looking up at the california sky with millions of stars visible.
And if you live in the mountains at all or in the country you know that looking up is sort of like looking straight into the eyes of God. And I think with that you get a powerful, tiny glimpse of who God is, and his infinite love for us. Even if it's only for a moment, it leads us to understand God and his divine care and unconditional love for each of us. In that moment, not only had I been invested with the Capuchin Habit but I was invested also with the reminder that since the beginning God had invested me with his love. It's beautiful to think about God investing us with his love so it was an amazing experience to share with my brothers.
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Friars from Province of Mid-America, Fr Frank Grinko (Novice Master) and Fr. John Cousins (Vicar-Provincial) |
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Seventeen guys from the various provinces around the US |
The thing is we are all robed with God's love, we are all invested with His love. Despite of our faults and weaknesses, God still places on us his love through the habit of grace.This has been the message for me.
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Thank You,
-Br. Vincent 'Vinny' Mary, OFM Cap
Knights of Columbus,
Saint Francis of Assisi,
Saint Gregory's Abbey,
Saint Gregory's University
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Newspapers & the Mighty Deeds of God
A couple years ago I had the privilege in working at a Vet home in Denver as a Resident Staff Member. I worked graveyard shift, often writing residents up for coming in late, giving them breathalyzer tests and making sure they were sober when they entered the house. Some days I would ride my bike to work, which was about a two mile ride from the house. As the normal shifts began, some of the residents would come in and talk. We laughed, joked with each other, they shared some stories on how they got where they are now or how they use to be homeless. At the time we had one resident named Mike, a New York native who grew up in Brooklyn. Mike would come in with his east coast accent talking about the girl he can't wait to see, or the red convertible Camaro he had in the garage outside. As the time for him to leave got closer, he mentioned one day that he had something to give me.
"Sorta like a memento...
I want you to remember me."
So he left the office and came back with a black hefty bag full of articles and newspapers. Basically, all these papers from the New York Times that he had collected through the years while he was homeless in New York. Some of them were dated Sept 12, 2001 with the headline from 9/11. He gathered all these up and just gave them to me so I could remember him. That next morning is still a vivid picture in my mind, because not only did I have to ride with a 30Ib backpack full of newspapers, but I had to do it uphill. It was a long bike ride home, I think I ended up getting a flat that morning. But anyway, thinking about it now not only do I remember that day and the morning, but I remember Mike, just like he had asked. It worked, I hope you know Mike!
But yesterday as I was thinking about Jesus in the gospels, the images of my life came to mind. All of the blessings, the people that I've experienced, the different graces, God-moments, and then even all the madness and chaos. Everything that involves me being where I am today, is a work of God. In my mind, they are all great deeds that have been performed by God, they are in fact, His mighty deeds.
Of the many messages in the Old and New Testaments, one might be for us to remember the mighty deeds that God has performed in our lives. For the Israelites, God wanted them to remember how he had lead them out of the land of Slavery. In the Gospels, Jesus performs so many deeds, to reveal not only the glory and greatness of God but so that the people could repent and turn to God.
I can just hear God, crying out to us, his people, begging us to remember Him and the deeds He has done for us.
For us to take that with us on the journey that we travel uphill or downhill. Metaphorically it fits, that the black bag full of the deeds of God, blessings and battles should be placed on our shoulders and taken so that we could remember the very greatness of God in our lives. In those time of struggle, suffering or doubt. What we should do is pull out a newspaper, and think back on the many many ways God has been there for us, blessing us and providing everything that we need. "Think about such things" says St. Paul.
I can just hear God, crying out to us, his people, begging us to remember Him and the deeds He has done for us.
For us to take that with us on the journey that we travel uphill or downhill. Metaphorically it fits, that the black bag full of the deeds of God, blessings and battles should be placed on our shoulders and taken so that we could remember the very greatness of God in our lives. In those time of struggle, suffering or doubt. What we should do is pull out a newspaper, and think back on the many many ways God has been there for us, blessing us and providing everything that we need. "Think about such things" says St. Paul.
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." -Phil 4:8
Thursday, April 21, 2016
St. Conrad of Parzham: the Holy Porter
On the edge of the Rott Valley in
Lower Bavarria was a German-Christian family, fourteen strong. Of the twelve is John Birndorfer, the second
youngest of the bunch. John, now known
as Saint Conrad of Parzham, was born on December 22, 1818 and was the first
German saint to be canonized after the reformation. At a young age he experienced his share of
trials and sufferings within his family and the Catholic Church. Both his
parents suffered from the Napoleonic Wars, his mother died at the age of
fourteen and the Church at that time was becoming more and more secularized.
Germany was losing its Catholic identity, seventeen Catholic Universities had
been shut down and twenty-two dioceses in the country were reduced to just
in the midst of all this chaos, John remembered the strong teachings handed
down from his mother. He prayed rosaries, attended confession and received
communion as often as possible. Soon there came a point when he was discerning religious
life. To his surprise, his confessor told him to visit the Capuchins saying,
“That’s where you belong.” Thirty-one years into his life, John taking the name
Conrad, went through the same doors that he would be opening for the rest of
his life. On October 4, 1852, the feast of Saint Francis, Conrad professed and
consecrated his whole life to God and the Capuchin Order, thus entering fully
into the Order. Saint Conrad was assigned Porter for the friary. For forty-one
years Saint Conrad was faithful to his duty as a Capuchin brother, he remained
calm and patient with everyone he received.
He opened not only the door of the friary, but also the door of his
heart to everyone he met. Saint Conrad came into contact with so many people
that he was able to experience the glory and misery of the world. Often getting
up early, sometimes two or three in the morning, he would open the door to
children and mothers, the poor and the homeless, the hungry, the sick and even
the unemployed. He was opening the door to Christ in his own eyes and because
of that he gave his heart with compassion to everyone.
As we celebrate the life of Saint
Conrad of Parzham, I think we can gather a few things when it comes to being a
doorkeeper of our own hearts in relationship with Christ our Savior. As Conrad
was faithful to his work, he opened the door for many; he opened the door for
the weak. We hear in the gospels that Christ himself dwells in those people!
"Truly I tell you, Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matt 25:40
The call for us is to open the door of our hearts, to let
Christ enter for a dwelling but also, so that He can change and renew us from
the inside. The effect of this is that we remain always with the Father and the
Father in us.
The call for us is also to greet the Lord, to give him our attention and undivided hearts.
Just like Saint Conrad, always listening and never growing tired of his
ministry, when we greet the Lord we are turning our hearts to Him with a desire
to listen to what might be said and of course, with a willingness to speak! Let
us greet the Lord.
I think that lastly, the final message from the holy porter
is to see the Lord. See the Lord in
the world despite the violence and chaos. Find glory in the weaknesses of the
world. Saint Conrad found Christ in each
and every person he opened the door to. He sought the Lord in Heart, mind and
soul by opening the door of his heart.
Saint Conrad of Parzham, Pray for us
Friday, April 15, 2016
Trusting in God: 5 Methods
With the
Easter season in full swing the message of Hope and trust seems to be a
constant theme for us. Jesus has risen, so we should have hope in finally
conquering a death that keeps us from Christ. We should also trust that a
greater plan is coming into fulfillment. The plan of light that is truly able
to overpower the darkness or the plan of hope over fear, maybe even trust over
worry. It’s that image of finally being able to see what has been hidden in the
dark for so long. There are just a few things that have to be done so God’s
light can reveal to us what it is we have been seeking the answer to.
Discernment in the house these past few months has demanded another level of trust and confidence in God’s plan. I say that because of the darkness that’s been presented. It’s rocky and cloudy so I think naturally there is doubt and fear. Just like the Resurrection account we hear in the gospel, there was fear within the community of Apostles because they had no idea what would happen to them. The problem for many of us is learning how to trust God even when we don’t know and can’t see. Here are a few methods that have help me to trust in God’s working under the shadows of fear or worry.
Don’t fear! That’s right you’ve heard it a thousand times from Saints, writings, even in the Old Testament. Do not Fear. God is with you in your struggling and He knows what you are going through. The obligation for us is to turn to God, pray to God asking him for courage because He walks with us and accompanies us wherever we are being sent. He said this to His Apostles, sending them with His Spirit, but accompanying them in their journey. The challenge for us is to recognize that God is with us, seeing the Emmanuel in our lives and using that knowledge to stir up courage.
“God Is Still Good” This is a phrase that has come up in
meditation quite often. To me it is being able to believe in the power of God’s
love even when things go wrong. God never holds back His love from us, if he
did just for a moment than we would cease from existence. This is proof that He
loves us! So being able to trust in God even when you understand the
consequences of being hurt is real trust. True trust in my opinion is moving
forward despite realizing and recognizing those things that can go wrong in our
lives. For me it has been a blessing to recognize my faults, to stand up, shake
off the dust and say “God Is Still Good” and nothing has changed.
Jesus There is nothing better than taking
those things that bog you down to the Eucharist. God brings so much to the
table of the Eucharist, why would He not allow us to bring so much to him. Take
those worries and fears and present them to Him. Receive Jesus Christ body,
blood, soul and divinity in the Holy Eucharist. Find out if there is Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament at a Church near you. Saint John Paul II says “Jesus
Christ, our hope, is a sure compass to guide you on your journey. Look to him
and trust in Him, advancing courageously on the path to Holiness.”
Look Where You’ve Been …Imagine your hiking up a mountain.
You start becoming more and more exhausted with each step you take. As you look
back to see where you have been, it begins to push you because now you realize
how much further you need to go. In Saint Paul’s opening letter to the Philippians,
he tells them,” I am sure of this, that He who began the good work in you will
bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ.” The good work in us has
been started! A big part of trusting in God for me has come through reflecting
on recent events or times in my life. We begin to realize that God was with us back
then, and so is certainly with us now.
Lastly, Remember God’s Faithfulness continuously meditate
on the faith that God has toward his people, especially in the Old Testament.
Countless times we see God always reminding his people that he is with them and
that he will never leave them. He was there for the Israelites throughout the
whole Exodus; He made it known to Joshua that He is with Him, for him to be
strong and courageous in facing those enemies.
With these in mind, let us each place our trust and faith in God that He delivers us from all our fears and worries and place us carefully under his love. May we always work to strive to do your will, for the building up of your kingdom and not our own! Jesus I trust in you!
Discernment in the house these past few months has demanded another level of trust and confidence in God’s plan. I say that because of the darkness that’s been presented. It’s rocky and cloudy so I think naturally there is doubt and fear. Just like the Resurrection account we hear in the gospel, there was fear within the community of Apostles because they had no idea what would happen to them. The problem for many of us is learning how to trust God even when we don’t know and can’t see. Here are a few methods that have help me to trust in God’s working under the shadows of fear or worry.
Don’t fear! That’s right you’ve heard it a thousand times from Saints, writings, even in the Old Testament. Do not Fear. God is with you in your struggling and He knows what you are going through. The obligation for us is to turn to God, pray to God asking him for courage because He walks with us and accompanies us wherever we are being sent. He said this to His Apostles, sending them with His Spirit, but accompanying them in their journey. The challenge for us is to recognize that God is with us, seeing the Emmanuel in our lives and using that knowledge to stir up courage.
With these in mind, let us each place our trust and faith in God that He delivers us from all our fears and worries and place us carefully under his love. May we always work to strive to do your will, for the building up of your kingdom and not our own! Jesus I trust in you!
Jesus Christ,
Saint John Paul II,
Saint Paul,
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