This past week I went on a mission trip with the Catholic Student Center to Oklahoma City. It was awesome, well It could of been better but missionary wise it was great. We stayed at a Catholic youth Camp on the outskirts of OKC about an hour away from the city. It was so beautiful out there, the stars were out every night. the trees blew with the fresh breeze, and the creatures churped almost with the sound of nature. Like a song that you already know the words. Our first night there I went outside to meditate a little bit. I remember looking up at the sky, watching the stars twinkle in the midnight blue. I remember saying,"Lord, I want to follow you, I wanna do what you want me to do. I trust you with all my heart. I just want you to allow your spirit flow through me like water, and reveal to me my calling." I said,"Lord I love you, I will go where you go, but If I end up on my knees I will crawl to you."and in that I ended my prayer and went inside to write in my journal, and I just started writing, I couldn't stop, for some reason those words just stuck to my head, so I wrote this song check it out...

If I end up on my knees, I will crawl, crawl to you.
This journeys so rough
One I can't seem to stand
I'd say I just about give it all up
But you hold me in the palm of your hand.
Lead me the way, through heated sun
Guide me to your sands of Endless love
God of mercy of grace show me the way
For its you I embrace, yea Its you I embrace!
Its you I will follow, You I will serve.
Anything you set, I'll do it for you
It's what I want, It's what you deserve
God my god, I will follow you.

This song, when I play it I get this since of peace and shadow of God. So throughout the whole mission trip I could not wait to go home only to play the song I had wrote through the holy spirit. Well as we went. We painted a pantry that this sister has started 10 years ago. "Sister BJs Pantry" we moved all the clothes put blue painters tape on the windows and trip, set up plastic. And started painting away. We used light blue, and dark blue. It took two whole days to paint the first and second coats. The second day also had us finish the gazebo in the garden. Stain it for the day to come. The day coming was the main part of the participation. We were to make sack lunches that had, water, chips, candy, a granola bar, and a sandwich. They were to be handed out to all homeless that got in line that morning. It was the butt crack of dawn but it was well worth it to see people who have no socks, no teeth. old clothes, but had smiles that ran across their faces from ear to ear. It was a trip I won't ever forget, One that will help me be what I wanna be; a missionary for Christ.